Why Gadsden State

Comparative Low Cost

在美国.S., 许多学生在转入四年制学院或大学之前先在社区学院学习两年, saving significant money on tuition. 许多学生选择十大赌博app是因为它有竞争力的价格. 

On-site Residence Hall

In addition to apartments near campus, students have the option to stay in an on-campus dormitory, Fowler Residence Hall, 距离国际办公室和阿拉巴马语言学院课程仅几步之遥, cafeteria and gym.  福勒宿舍设有半私人套房与一个共享浴室.  It has space for 108 students, men and women.  Fowler Hall is representative of a diverse community of residents, 包括来自20多个国家的学生和来自全国各地的运动员. 访问 Fowler Hall 在这里.


Dedicated Staff

十大赌博app的国际项目办公室努力提供机会,帮助学生在跨文化环境中茁壮成长, discover their world and form meaningful relationships. 我们的服务旨在帮助学生在学术环境中取得成功, as well as informing, 就各种与移民有关的问题向他们提供建议和指导. 国际办公室的工作人员可以帮助学生处理文书工作, 签证问题, and registration. 工作人员也接受培训,帮助学生解决后勤问题, 例如在加兹登地区寻找交通或住房以及寻求适当的医疗服务.  当学生到达加兹登时,工作人员可以帮助他们安顿下来, 包括帮助机场到达和搬进福勒宿舍.

Flexibility and Options for Non-traditional 学生

如果你的签证不要求你修满课程来保持身份, you can take classes at your own pace. Because of this flexibility, Gadsden State is a good option for non-traditional students, 比如年纪较大的学生,他们希望平衡学校与家庭或职业义务.

Transfer Agreements

十大赌博app不一定是学生的最终目的地. GSCC提供与公立大学的入学协议,允许符合条件的学生将学分转移到四年制大学获得学士学位. 

学生 without Borders

无国界学生组织是一个国际学生俱乐部,它把国际学生和美国学生聚集在一起, 教师, and staff to promote international and intercultural understanding.  无国界学生组织的成立是为了鼓励和促进国际学生之间的友好关系, to increase awareness and appreciation of other cultures, and to provide an opportunity to develop lifelong friendships. 无国界学生组织承认、尊重并向来自许多国家的学生学习. Activities and events include guest presenters, educational trips, leadership opportunities and social activities. 学生们自愿在俱乐部会议上分享他们的语言和文化, local civic organizations and area schools. 访问 学生 Without Borders 在这里.

As the oldest English Language Institute in the Southeast U.S., 阿拉巴马语言学院(ALI)有帮助学生提高英语水平以实现个人十大赌博app的传统.  你是否打算在十大赌博app上大学, apply to a 4-year university or expand your career opportunities, we are 在这里 to help you!

Experienced English as a Second Language (ESL) Instructors

我们的教师拥有超过75年的综合教学经验,并获得了ESL教学/TESOL领域的硕士学位.  他们都在不同的国际环境中旅行、生活和工作过.  While English is their first language, they all have spent time learning other languages, 所以他们从学生的角度熟悉语言学习的过程.

Technology in the Classroom

我们的每个教室都配备了一个大的ClearTouch屏幕, which allows easy access to the internet for images, video and learning apps.  在教室里安装WiFi,让学生的英语学习更具互动性和趣味性.  学生 also have access to our Language Lab, which houses computers equipped with language learning software.

Personalized Attention

阿拉巴马语言学院的班级规模比大学校小, 这意味着学生可以获得更多的个人关注,并与教师进行一对一的交流.  对于那些喜欢按照自己的节奏学习并在学习过程中提出大量问题的学生来说,这是一个好处.  根据需要,ALI教师可以在一周内与学生单独会面. 我们的老师还会与学生见面,为他们提供课程建议,并确保他们按计划实现个人十大赌博app.

English Immersion Activities

阿拉巴马州 Language Institute classes meet from Monday – Thursday, and Fridays are open for cultural activities, such as barbecue cookouts, game nights and field trips.  我们鼓励学生利用这些机会练习英语, interact with Americans, and learn about the culture of the local area.  Some examples of trips and events include: U.S. Space and Rocket Center in 亨茨维尔, 阿拉巴马州; CNN, the 乔治亚州 Aquarium, and the World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta, 乔治亚州, and the Civil Rights Institute in Birmingham, 阿拉巴马州.  We plan one major field trip each semester: Washington, D.C. (Fall) and Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida (Spring).

阿拉巴马州 Language Institute Goals

  • 帮助学生掌握英语的功能,为在美国大学取得成功的学术经验做准备.S. college or university
  • 帮助学生在托福考试中获得足够的分数
  • 帮助学生提高职场专业人士的英语语言技能
  • 提供一个有利于学习的环境,让学生充分发挥潜能
  • 使更大的机构国际化,促进加兹登州的文化多样性
  • To encourage students, as citizens of the world, to respect and appreciate countries and cultures different from their own; t在这里fore, they play a role in promoting peace and understanding in the world


应用 to Gadsden State

Beautiful Community 

国际学生在阿拉巴马州加兹登的校园上课., a city with a population over 35,000 people. 加兹登位于阿拉巴马州东北部,前往伯明翰等其他主要城市很方便, 亨茨维尔, Chattanooga and Atlanta. 驾车即可到达美丽的阿巴拉契亚山脉以及墨西哥湾的白色沙滩.

The area offers extensive recreational facilities, including tennis courts, swimming pools, 公园, playgrounds and golf courses. 滑水、划船和其他水上运动在夏季很受欢迎.


Student Activities

十大赌博app的国际学生参加当地历史名胜的实地考察,并被鼓励参加戏剧表演, 音乐会, community events and athletic games. The College offers a variety of clubs, organizations, volunteer service opportunities and extracurricular activities. Each year, the Office of International Programs and 学生 Without Borders 举办以各种文化展览和表演为特色的国际艺术节. 访问 student clubs and organizations 在这里.